From last few months, my laptop is giving warning of little space left in my hard disk.
A detail investigation revealed that the culprit is a large number of photos. First round of rescue happened by giving some of the photos the death sentence. (dafa charso do ke tahet saja-e-maut)
Even after that the health of hard disk didn’t improve much. A more detailed investigation gave more clues.
Most of the images were holding size of 2 to 3 megabytes. A cost-cutting strategy was being forced upon the photos. This outsourcing task was given to tools like Picasa, Microsoft office picture manager, since I am not the expert in more professional tools.
None gave me the desired result.
Then I tried the college-time old technique to reduce the size. I opened the image in MS Paint and just saved it! Bingo. The size reduced by almost 70%. I tried with different photos. Each time the result was anywhere from 60% to 85%.
Its working, but is not efficient. I have to open each file and save it again, consuming around 8-10 seconds per photo. Considering the large number of images I am holding, it’s not looking practical.
I want tool to do the mass-killing of the used space. Google searched gave me some tool. But either it was demo version showing a big watermark in my photos or simple “image resizer”.
Anyone knows any solution for this ?
Until the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ is found, the single shot diet plan will continue.