Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2 States

This Sunday I bought the "2 States: The Story of My Marriage" the new book by Chetan Bhagat. I was expecting better from him this time compared to his last two misadventures, but to my surprise the book was much much better !

Yes, one sort of sequel to his first book, this book is full of dialoguebaji, real life experience that you dont put in words but Chetan Bhagat can, a very little masala(this was the expectation anyway!), exploration on Tamil vs Punjabi culture, what the big banks have to offer at workplace, etc etc.

The story starts when an IIMA boy, Krish, falls in love with an extra ordinary beautiful IIMA girl Ananya(extra ordinary by IIMA standards). Krish is son of a retired Punjabi armyman and hardcore punjabi housewife. Ananya is from a Purest of Pure Iyer Brahmin cast in Tamilnadu.

Dont care about the end, whether it is happy ending or sad ending. Chetan has made sure that the path upto the ending is exciting. (Read:its not the destination that matters, its the journey.) Its the story of the same boy who has his stunts during IITD in 'Five Point Someone' and is now participating in the second at IIMA. Arguably the story line resembles Chetan's own life, as his real life wife Anusha is from Tamilnadu and himself from Delhi.

Overall its a very good book. I would give 4.5 out of 5 to this.*

*About the rating trust-ability of my rating, 'Five point someone' has been given 5/5, 'One night @ call centre': 3/5 and 'Three Mistakes': 2.5/5.


  1. Sad end means one more sequel :)

  2. Good review. I am currrently reading it.

  3. I really dont agree with the review. Specially this "a very little masala".
    As far as I understood the book it was total masala and some of the situations described is beyond imagination even for a fiction, say for instance the blackmailing of ones boss.
    This has been trend for all the novels of Chetan Bhagat. He has a very good intial build but it just falls flat in the end.

    Anyways for the price for which they sell it makes it a pretty decent overnight reading session.

  4. @Vishal,
    yeah...but good no, one more book.

    thanks !


    by 'masala' i didnt mean such things. Certain type of entertainment ingredients were less this time :)
    And i dont think an IIM executive cannot blackmail his boss when the boss has made a mistake and is asking to cover for him.
    And I was surprise to see 95 Rs tag on rediff first, I couldnt finish in overnight session though!

  5. got it for 58 bucks from landmark online :)
